Ent­ry are­as –
re­ason for ac­ci­dents?

Miss­ing safe­ty sys­tems can lead to

  • Trap­ping of peo­p­le
  • Ac­ci­dents cau­sed by be­ing drag­ged which can lead to fa­tal in­ju­ry in the worst case
  • Trap­ping of peo­p­le with rest­ric­ted mo­bi­li­ty
  • Bumping/knocking over pas­sen­gers
  • Ever­y­day ac­ci­dents from exi­ting and en­te­ring the bus or train at the last mo­ment

Ent­ry are­as –
re­ason for ac­ci­dents?

Miss­ing safe­ty sys­tems can lead to

  • Trap­ping of peo­p­le
  • Ac­ci­dents cau­sed by be­ing drag­ged which can lead to fa­tal in­ju­ry in the worst case
  • Trap­ping of peo­p­le with rest­ric­ted mo­bi­li­ty
  • Bumping/knocking over pas­sen­gers
  • Ever­y­day ac­ci­dents from exi­ting and en­te­ring the bus or train at the last mo­ment

The touchl­ess de­tec­tion in the im­me­dia­te dan­ger zone pro­tects pas­sen­gers from be­ing bum­ped or trap­ped du­ring the clo­sing and ope­ning of the doors.
The drag de­tec­tion iden­ti­fies the smal­lest ob­jects such as bag and ruck­sack straps or dog leas­hes when the train or bus is start­ing to move and stops af­ter de­tec­tion to pre­vent peo­p­le or ani­mals from be­ing drag­ged along.

Tech­no­lo­gy ex­per­ti­se for ma­xi­mum safe­ty

May­ser is a lea­ding ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of ta­c­ti­le and non-touch safe­ty ed­ges as well as safe­ty steps which pro­vi­de a re­lia­ble pro­tec­tion for rail and bus doors.

1 2

The touchl­ess de­tec­tion in the im­me­dia­te dan­ger zone pro­tects pas­sen­gers from be­ing bum­ped or trap­ped du­ring the clo­sing and ope­ning of the doors.
The drag de­tec­tion iden­ti­fies the smal­lest ob­jects such as bag and ruck­sack straps or dog leas­hes when the train or bus is start­ing to move and stops af­ter de­tec­tion to pre­vent peo­p­le or ani­mals from be­ing drag­ged along.

Tech­no­lo­gy ex­per­ti­se for ma­xi­mum safe­ty

May­ser is a lea­ding ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of ta­c­ti­le and non-touch safe­ty ed­ges as well as safe­ty steps which pro­vi­de a re­lia­ble pro­tec­tion for rail and bus doors.

1 2

The touchl­ess de­tec­tion in the im­me­dia­te dan­ger zone pro­tects pas­sen­gers from be­ing bum­ped or trap­ped du­ring the clo­sing and ope­ning of the doors.
The drag de­tec­tion iden­ti­fies the smal­lest ob­jects such as bag and ruck­sack straps or dog leas­hes when the train or bus is start­ing to move and stops af­ter de­tec­tion to pre­vent peo­p­le or ani­mals from be­ing drag­ged along.

Tech­no­lo­gy ex­per­ti­se for ma­xi­mum safe­ty

May­ser is a lea­ding ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of ta­c­ti­le and non-touch safe­ty ed­ges as well as safe­ty steps which pro­vi­de a re­lia­ble pro­tec­tion for rail and bus doors.

1 2


The MY Non-Touch De­tec­tion Sys­tem is a cont­act­less sys­tem with op­tio­nal drag de­tec­tion in­stal­led di­rect­ly on the main clo­sing edge of straight or cur­ved doors. The pre­dic­ti­ve func­tion pre­vents the door from bum­ping and pushing over pas­sen­gers and pro­vi­des the­r­e­fo­re an ad­di­tio­nal com­fort fea­ture to the pinch pro­tec­tion espe­ci­al­ly for pas­sen­gers with rest­ric­ted mo­bi­li­ty. The ear­ly de­tec­tion of dan­ger si­gni­fi­cant­ly in­crea­ses com­fort and safe­ty and also pre­vents de­lays in cy­cle times.


Drag de­tec­tion

Small ob­jects such as dog leas­hes or bag pack straps are de­tec­ted by the anti-drag sys­tem to alarm the train dri­ver or in emer­gen­cy stop the train. This pre­vents pas­sen­gers or ani­mals from be­ing drag­ged along by the mo­ving train.


Ta­c­ti­le obs­ta­cle
and pinch pro­tec­tion

In pu­blic trans­por­ta­ti­on, ta­c­ti­le safe­ty ed­ges along the main and se­con­da­ry clo­sing edge have be­co­me in­dis­pensable for pro­tec­ting pas­sen­gers. If the safe­ty edge en­coun­ters an obs­ta­cle, such as a hand in the clo­sing door, the clo­sing pro­cess stops im­me­dia­te­ly and the door re­ver­ses to al­low a safe ch­an­ge of pas­sen­gers.

Our ex­per­ti­se

  • Plug-and-Play so­lu­ti­ons for your pro­ject
  • Turn­key so­lu­ti­ons, from sup­port with de­ve­lo­p­ment ser­vices to the sup­p­ly of com­ple­te safe­ty ed­ges and se­al­ing so­lu­ti­ons
  • High ex­per­ti­se in de­sign and pro­duc­tion for your in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­on de­pen­ding on your re­qui­re­ments
  • High le­vel of ex­per­ti­se for all ve­hic­le ty­pes and door sys­tems as well as for the re­le­vant re­gu­la­ti­ons and stan­dards in pu­blic trans­port


Our ex­perts will be hap­py to ad­vi­se you on how to make your door con­cept safe

Ar­thur Har­der

Pro­ject Ma­nage­ment Tech­no­lo­gy Pu­blic Trans­port
Te­le­fon: +49 731 2061 257
E‑Mail: arthur.​harder@​mayser.​com

More about our pro­ducts

MY Non-Touch De­tec­tion Sys­tem

Mi­nia­tu­re safe­ty ed­ges