Entry areas –
reason for accidents?
Missing safety systems can lead to
- Trapping of people
- Accidents caused by being dragged which can lead to fatal injury in the worst case
- Trapping of people with restricted mobility
- Bumping/knocking over passengers
- Everyday accidents from exiting and entering the bus or train at the last moment
Entry areas –
reason for accidents?
Missing safety systems can lead to
- Trapping of people
- Accidents caused by being dragged which can lead to fatal injury in the worst case
- Trapping of people with restricted mobility
- Bumping/knocking over passengers
- Everyday accidents from exiting and entering the bus or train at the last moment

The MY Non-Touch Detection System is a contactless system with optional drag detection installed directly on the main closing edge of straight or curved doors. The predictive function prevents the door from bumping and pushing over passengers and provides therefore an additional comfort feature to the pinch protection especially for passengers with restricted mobility. The early detection of danger significantly increases comfort and safety and also prevents delays in cycle times.
Drag detection
Small objects such as dog leashes or bag pack straps are detected by the anti-drag system to alarm the train driver or in emergency stop the train. This prevents passengers or animals from being dragged along by the moving train.
Tactile obstacle
and pinch protection
In public transportation, tactile safety edges along the main and secondary closing edge have become indispensable for protecting passengers. If the safety edge encounters an obstacle, such as a hand in the closing door, the closing process stops immediately and the door reverses to allow a safe change of passengers.
Our expertise
- Plug-and-Play solutions for your project
- Turnkey solutions, from support with development services to the supply of complete safety edges and sealing solutions
- High expertise in design and production for your individual solution depending on your requirements
- High level of expertise for all vehicle types and door systems as well as for the relevant regulations and standards in public transport
Our experts will be happy to advise you on how to make your door concept safe

Arthur Harder
Project Management Technology Public Transport
Telefon: +49 731 2061 257
E‑Mail: arthur.harder@mayser.com